Learn to compose Fugues with the variety of J. S. Bach!
What makes a melody so unique?
How beautiful it is to be able to manage different musical combinations!
How magical it is to unlock the art of variety!
Bach had great Imagination and Creativity!
And he has prepared Five Exercises for you to learn how to Compose Five-Voice Fugues!
Partimento of Exercise n. 5
One of the most astonishing aspects of J.S. Bach's music, leaving every musician in awe, is his ability to create music that is always varied, fresh, and original: never repetitive!
You too can learn this variety with the exercises that Bach has prepared for you in the "Precepts and Principles for Playing the Thorough Bass or Accompanying in Four Parts".
Precepts and Principles
Presumed to be the result of J.S. Bach imparting knowledge to one of his students at Leipzig's Thomas-Schule, the Precepts and Principles for Playing the Thorough Bass or Accompanying in Four Parts stands out as a crucial instructional document in Bach's legacy.
This manuscript offers invaluable insights into Bach's teachings on harmony, fugue, and potentially unveils aspects of his compositional process.
The 48-page manuscript, credited to Bach's pupil Carl August Thieme (1721-95), includes instructions in thorough bass realization, studies in fugue writing, and cadence patterns suitable for keyboard practice.
Frame from Analysis of the Partimento Bass-Line
All Baroque musicians, including Bach, were very familiar with the hexachord: the true foundation of music theory!
Perhaps that's why the first fugue is built on the hexachord, much like the first fugue of The Well-Tempered Clavier: a coincidence? I don't think so!
Learn to use the hexachord yourself by writing a 5-voice fugue based on this subject.
Frame from Keyboard Realization of the Fugue
Do Re Mi!
One of the most idiomatic techniques of Baroque composers is precisely the Do Re Mi opening!
In the third exercise, you will learn to conduct a 5-voice fugue, entirely based on Do Re Mi!
Frame from Written Realization of the Fugue
Not D Minor, but Dorian!
Have you ever seen a piece that seems to be in D Minor, but has no B-flat in the key signature?
What if I told you it's a modal piece?
Baroque composers were well-versed in modality and knew how to compose a piece in the ancient style!
And you, do you also want to learn how to compose a fugue in the Dorian Mode?
Frame from Written Realization of the Fugue
G major without F# in the key!
No! It's not a mistake, it's the Mixolydian mode, one of the most fascinating and interesting at the same time!
And how to compose a fugue in the Mixolydian Mode?
Learn it with this exercise!
Frame from Keyboard Realization of the Fugue
A continuous stream of (almost) endless notes!
There are Baroque music pieces, like the Toccata in D Minor BWV 538, where from the beginning to the end, it's a continuous stream of 16th notes!
What to do when a subject has so many fast notes in a row? Learn it with this exercise!
How beautiful it is to know how to decode every detail?
Analyze the Partimento Basslines to move to the next step!
Learn to grasp every detail, learn to recognize each musical element, and become skilled at choosing which ones to develop in order to carry out your realization with the ability of a great Master!
Scripta Manent, Verba Volant!
Nothing is better than writing to firmly fix every step!
Starting from the analysis, learn to create the perfect written realization, learn to transform the melody you have in mind into notes, and discover how to make a melody more interesting simply by applying some diminutions
The written realization is not enough!
A true Musicus Practicus is skilled enough to develop a realization directly at the keyboard.
Learn how to speed up the realization process at the keyboard, learn how to transform a complex passage into a hand pattern, and discover how to make a compositional technique comfortable for the keyboard.
There are details that, if you don't learn to see them, you will never see them!
Triple perspective!
Capture every element: Watch as I write on the tablet!
Watch my hands: just imitate my fingers and positions!
Let's look at each other: after all, we also want to have fun together!
Insights often come later!
Take notes on the worksheet: it's the best way to remember important things!
Keep it with you at all times: in those 10 minutes of break, you might notice something more!
Broaden your vision: allow your brain to rethink that passage, and you'll see that it will find the answer!
And if you want to be sure you're proceeding correctly?
Post a photo of your realization in the community within the course, get your personal feedback, I'll respond to you, and continue your journey with more determination knowing you're on the right track!
The True Musicus Practicus is always looking for new Secrets, Tricks and Techniques!
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