Counterpoint and Partimento

Counterpoint and Partimento

Peter van Tour

Counterpoint and Partimento, Peter van Tour


  • Partimento
  • Teaching Methods
  • Neapolitan Music of the 17th century Italy

What do you need this book for?

  • Discovering how music was taught to new generations of students in the 18th century.
  • Experiencing firsthand how Partimenti can still be a valuable educational tool today.
  • Adopting both new and ancient teaching methods, especially in music composition instruction.

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How was music taught in the Neapolitan conservatories of the eighteenth century?

The partimento method was certainly the foundation!

But there's more!

Partimenti were not only used to teach improvisation but also to provide students with written counterpoint exercises!

An immersive journey into the compositional teaching methods of the eighteenth century alongside one of the greatest masters of that time: Francesco Durante!

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