Dance Rhythms of the French Baroque

Dance Rhythms of the French Baroque

a handbook for performance

Betty Bang Mather

Dance Rhythms of the French Baroque, Betty Bang Mather


  • French Baroque Dances
  • Dance Step-Units and and Music
  • Bowing, articulation, singing and instrumental performances

What do you need this book for?

  • Learn the history and practice of French Baroque Dances.
  • Discover how to perform any French Baroque dances in singing, dancing, and playing.
  • Study the characteristics of each dance, along with their rhythms and steps.

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It's not enough to play a dance to understand it; you need to know how to dance it!

This is the central idea of this monumental work, an exciting journey into the world of French dances from the Baroque period.

In this book, you will discover how dance steps work, how they were performed in the French courts, and receive guidance on proper performance on various instruments, from strings to keyboards and voice.

And finally, an entire section where each chapter teaches you everything you can know about each individual dance!

In short, a challenging book for professional musicians who are not satisfied with just playing, but want to delve deep into each dance to breathe the atmosphere of court dances from the time of Louis XIV!

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