The freedom of Composing Music simply by Combining Musical Elements!
You just need to study each element, and a bit of creativity to combine them.
This is a piece written using The Partimento Method
Learn the secrets of the musical language of Bach, Mozart, and Vivaldi, recognize them in the pieces you play, and apply them in your compositions.
Study the patterns of musical composition, get hands-on with the characteristics of each, and discover how to use them to their fullest!
Put into practice what you learn right away! Complete the guided exercises, learn to combine the patterns, and have fun creating your own compositions and improvisations.
A university-level course with all the resources you need to become proficient in composing music day by day: just follow the plan!
You too can compose Music like the Ancient Masters!
When you know every Pattern, when you know how to combine them, when you feel them in your hands...
... composing and improvising Music becomes a simple game of Combinations!
Just have the right tools...
...and use them in the right order!
Composition is a Game of Combination.
Study the Patterns that make up the musical language, learn the properties of each one, and discover how to apply them.
Imitating the great Masters is the best way to learn!
Discover the techniques that great masters like Bach, Mozart, and Vivaldi used to compose the music you love so much.
Words create our reality!
Use the magical power of words to better memorize each Pattern, until you internalize it indelibly in your hands!
Say and Play!
The drop carves the stone!
Immediately put into practice each Pattern you learn with the Partimentini: short, focused, and numerous exercises.
184 Partimentini, with realizations and analysis with Solmisation!
Modulating from one key to another will no longer be a secret!
Learn how to modulate smoothly and fluently so that the listener's ear won't notice it.
Historical Partimenti
Achieve compositional excellence by mastering Fedele Fenaroli's Numbered Partimenti and Francesco Durante's Diminished Partimenti.
Two entire chapters dedicated to these powerful exercises!
Learn from the exercises of other musicians!
Every exercise you share and every feedback you receive becomes a valuable video for all other musicians, allowing them to learn from the steps taken by your fellow travelers!
Stay updated on your progress at all times!
Share your exercises in the Community, write your questions and Curiosities, interact with other Musicians, and receive answers and feedback!
Get ready for the journey!
Discover the contents of TPM, learn about the different types of resources, and learn to use them to the fullest to get the most out of this adventure!
Embark on the adventure fully equipped!
Pack your bags with all the elements of music theory you'll need to navigate every stage of this journey and maintain a solid direction!
Learn to compose two-voice counterpoint!
Explore the world of consonances and dissonances, how to combine them, and how to create new pieces using simple patterns!
Continue the adventure!
Add a third voice and make your compositions even more engaging!
Learn to use the Tied Bass, the Quintfall, and 7-6 Fauxbourdon: Patterns that will always be useful and effective in every composition!
Sometimes it's necessary to pause at a checkpoint to catch your breath and recharge!
Learn to use cadences to conclude your musical phrases and restart with more vigor!
In every journey, there are ups and downs!
Learn to harmonize scales in all 24 keys ascending and descending.
Acquire the ability to move freely on the keyboard!
Behind every journey, there's always a mind that has mapped it out!
How did composers of the 18th century think about music?
What mental frameworks did they use?
What musical strategies and patterns characterize their compositions?
In this extensive chapter, you will learn to utilize all the Galant Schemata, mental models that allowed composers of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries to compose a great deal of music quickly!
Different sized steps can mark your journey in different ways!
Learn to use different types of cadences, based on the bass movement, and learn to use them correctly in your work.
Each type of cadence has its own weight and particular strength!
In every journey, you can always discover precious details and breathtaking vistas, only if you look around carefully.
Learn to use chromaticism, to add voices to the patterns you've already learned, and discover new ones to further enrich your compositions!
How to make a journey even more engaging? Add some activities!
Learn to apply suspensions and double suspensions to make your progressions more engaging.
To transition from one environment to another, you need to have good adaptability!
Learn techniques to modulate smoothly and fluently from one key to another!
Learn to create a Bass-line Partimento with a solid four-voice harmonization.
Apply consonances, dissonances, and everything you've learned!
Practice extensively with the Partimenti by Fedele Fenaroli!
Reach the well-deserved destination!
Apply all the techniques you've learned on this journey to create complex compositions using Francesco Durante's Diminished Partimenti!
Here are some Compositions by Apprentice Musicians like you
Filip, Musicus from Poland
Jacob, Musicus From Brooklyn
Julien, Musicus from France
The True Musicus Practicus is always looking for new Secrets, Tricks and Techniques!
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