Manuale di Canto Fermo

Manuale di Canto Fermo

Michele Chiaramida


  • Canto Fermo, Gregorian Chant
  • Renaissance Music
  • Church, Salmody, Renaissance Music Theory

What do you need this book for?

  • Understanding Plainchant
  • Learning to read Renaissance square notation of Plainchant
  • Discovering the performance practice of Plainchant

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How was Gregorian chant sung during the Renaissance? The Council of Trent initiated a great revolution, and many liturgical books were reformed.

Chant played a very important role in the liturgy, and plainchant (Canto Fermo) was the foundation for the composition of many polyphonic motets!

Understanding plainchant, that is, the way Gregorian chant was sung during the Renaissance, is not limited to plainchant itself, but it allows you to understand modality in polyphony, the reasoning behind certain compositional structures, and how a Renaissance composer conceived the individual melodies that together created polyphony!

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