The Solfeggio Tradition

The Solfeggio Tradition

Nicholas Baragwanath


  • Solfeggio, Music Theory Education
  • Hexachordal Solmization
  • History and Early Music Practice

What do you need this book for?

  • To discover how musicians were educated from the 16th to the 18th centuries.
  • To learn how Hexachordal Solmization works.
  • To understand the various historical sources and teaching methods.

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Notes are not 7! They are 6!

The note Si does not exist, or rather, it is a fairly recent invention.

Music education in the Renaissance and Baroque periods began with the teaching of choral singing, which was integrated with or subsequently followed by the study of Solfeggio.

A type of Solfeggio very different from the modern one, both from the Fixed Do and the Moveable Do.

A type of Solfeggio based on scales of 6 sounds called Hexachordal Solmization!

In this book, you will discover the historical sources and the centuries-old tradition of this lost but highly effective method of music education!

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